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Shelf Life Bookshop

A Visit from Santa Clops: The Fright Before Christmas

A Visit from Santa Clops: The Fright Before Christmas

Regular price $18.99 USD
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Naughty or nice? Better think twice! ‘Cause Santa Clops is comin' to town! He’s watching with a glare you can’t fake, so you’d better be good for Ol’ One Eye’s sake!

A monstrously fun take on the holiday classic, A Visit from St. Nicholas, by Clement Clarke Moore. Kris Kringle's one-eyed cousin from the South Pole stops by a sleeping family's house on Christmas Eve. The startled father must confront Santa Clops and save Christmas for his children. Booger-thumbs instead of sugar-plums, dino-penguins instead of reindeer, and coal instead of gifts? Uh-oh!

"Scary Christmas to all and to all a good fright!"

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